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Aussies back Wales

The great and the good of Australian sport will be invited into camp during the course of the Rugby World Cup to give Wales’ youngsters a taste for their famous passion for sport.

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Aussie-born Scott Johnson, the Wales skills coach, has taken up the mantle of imparting some of the local culture on the squad during the tournament.

“We are a young side, and for some it has been a big year for travelling. Travelling can be a chore or you can enjoy it and look to get something out of it,” said Johnson.

“The Australian’s are passionate about their sport, and it is a huge part of their culture. I want our players to see that dedication and take something from it.

“I want our players to embrace the local culture, so they go back home after the World Cup better players and better people.”

Johnson has already put these words into action with the visit last week by Rugby League star Andrew Johns.

But, while he won’t reveal who else he has lined up, he has confirmed they are not rugby players, but great sports people and champions in their chosen field.

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Aussies back Wales