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Thanks for the memories

Thanks for the memories

Thousands of messages have flooded in to the website, all have been passed on the team. Here are just a few of your messages …

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Avis Davies summed up the feelings of many:

“Wonderful, wonderful, I have waited since the 70s to see such flair and courage, you boys performed on Saturday, what thrilling, exciting rugby … All of you should go on the Lions Tour. Thank you for such a fantastic six nations.”

As did the comments of Kim & Gareth Evans:

“What a performance! What a team! Your team spirit is unbelievable, you play for each other, for Wales and not just your own glory, that makes the difference. You have all earned your place in history, well done boys and good luck for the lions tour. Mike you are the man!”

How about this one from Pamela Lake:

“Well done Wales!!!!! I am an expat living in Hawaii and could not be prouder. My young son aged four and I are sporting our Wales shirts today in celebration of your spectacular victory. You made me cry….”

Don’t worry, Pamela, you weren’t the only one!

There was interest from ex pats from the furthest parts of the world, this message coming from Australia:

“Congratulations to you all. We are here in Australia following our Home Country. We have lived here for nineteen years but never fail to give our full support to Wales Rugby when you play. You can’t imagine, well I guess you would really, how we were here on Saturday, well early hours of Sunday morning. We had Welsh friends over to watch the all important game with us. We were at the game really, that’s how we felt. You all worked so hard over the Championship and we just wanted to tell you how pound we are of you all. Thank you again for making our dream come true.”

And a final message, one that comes from Rhys Thomas in Cardiff but could have come from any number of people:

“Well done. You don’t know how proud I am of you. That was an awesome series of games, you deserve all the glory of a fantastic grand slam. Dunno about you but Saturday was a “Perfect Day” for me.  It was worth the wait. Keep the open play going, that’s the way rugby should be played.”

Thankyou to all who sent in messages of support throughout the RBS Six Nations. The messages were sent on to the Wales team, and clearly proved an inspiration to the players.

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Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
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Thanks for the memories
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Seat Unique
Thanks for the memories
Castell Howell
Glamorgan Brewing
Hawes & Curtis
Thanks for the memories