Andrew Hore, the
The post of National Fitness Director is currently being advertised on this website http://www.wru.co.uk (Click Here for Vacancies) but Hore says it was vital that the system and the structure was put right in order that Welsh rugby can continue to make strides.
“We have essentially split my role into two jobs. The role of National Fitness Director will drive the overall development of fitness within Welsh rugby. That means he will oversee everything that affects fitness levels from the moment a child first puts on a pair of rugby boots to the end of his coaching or refereeing career.
“He or she will essentially be looking towards the 2015 World Cup and beyond and will work with all the relevant bodies from the
“The successful candidate will then be part of the process of appointing a National Fitness Coach who will look after the day-to-day conditioning of the National squad.
“It is very important to me that I am comfortable with the state of conditioning and fitness within Welsh rugby when I leave at the end of the year and that the progress that has begun can continue to kick on.
“To that end, it is important that a strong structure is in place – the future conditioning personnel will form part of a well-oiled machine.
“When I first arrived in
“That has all now changed because of a huge collective desire within the