1. WRU Schools 10s Tournament (Contact Rugby)
Teams will be playing ten-a-side contact rugby but with uncontested scrums and without lifting in the lineout. (More detailed rules will be sent to entrants.) Interschool matches or Unitary Authority tournaments will be organised with the winners in each UA attending the North or South Wales finals.
2. WRU Schools Tag Tournaments
Teams will compete within their unitary authority with the winners participating in the National finals to be held at the Millennium Stadium.
Both competitions are for girls under 14s (years 7, 8 & 9) & under 18s (years 10, 11, 12 & 13). The 10s finals are scheduled to take place on Tuesday 4th December (North Wales) and Thursday 6th December (South Wales). The date for the Tag final is to be confirmed but is likely to be mid to late April.
Application forms must be received by Friday October 12th 2007.