As part of this commitment, the WRU is working towards achieving the Sports Equality Standard- a framework and vehicle for widening access and increasing participation in sport from underrepresented groups. Through the involvement of employees, board members and member clubs, the WRU intend to gain foundation level by autumn 2009.
The Equality Standard exists to ensure that opportunities within sporting organisations and sport in the UK will be accessible to all, regardless of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religious or political belief, age or social background. The Standard ensures sports organisations are able to plan, develop and achieve equality in their sport and organisation, as well evaluate their progress and ensure the process of improvement is a continuous one.
WRU Group Chief Executive commented “I am delighted we are working in partnership with the Sports Council for Wales and Sport Structures to achieve foundation level of the Sports Equality Standard this year.
“It is important that everyone involved in rugby understands and commits to this so that we can all drive down barriers to encourage everyone to get engaged in rugby in Wales whether it be as an athlete, volunteer, referee, coach or spectator.
“Rugby is the sport of Wales, bringing so much to the nation and it needs to be accessible to as much of the welsh population as possible regardless of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religious or political belief, age or social background”.
More information about the standard can be found by visiting: