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RWC Blog: Gemma Hallett

RWC Blog: Gemma Hallett

So it’s finally here, four long years in the waiting to redeem our miserable and disappointing group stage exit from the 2007 World Cup at the hands or rugby ‘minnows’ Fiji.

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It’s just days now until kick off and New Zealand is preparing to host the largest sporting event of the year… make that 24 years for these die hard All Black fans since they lifted the the very first Webb Ellis trophy here in 1987.

Much has been made of the fact that being host nation again then surely it is again their time to win it, yet how different the mentality has become following the defeat to the Wallabys in the final Test before taking on Tonga on Firday, an edgy nervousness and a little doubt has now engulfed Auckland.

Rugby supporter or not there is no escaping the build up and excitement generating now, the first squads have touched down to traditional maori welcomes and rapturous applause in the arrival lounge of Auckland International, such welcomes are echoed up and down the country by politicians and dignitories encouraging kiwis to welcome and adopt a second team and deck their homes and communities in ‘our guests colours’, and to even learn to say ‘hello’ in their native language. I was happy to learn that Parnel, the Auckland suburb in which I am staying has adopted the Welsh team.

This Friday it all begins, and although I wont be at Eden Park for the opening ceremony I will of course be at New Zealand’s biggest party where from 4pm a fleet of 20 waka and 600 warriors and haka groups will bring the World Cup to the shores of New Zealand.

Along with supporters from every other nation I will embrace the free performances, cultural experiences and firework displays before watching the big game live on huge screens along the city’s waterfront.

For Welsh supporters it’s then a 10 hour drive to make it to Wellington to see Wales take on current World Champions South Africa in our crunch pool D opener on the Sunday.

The World Cup is yet to start and already friendships have been formed and it seems thousands of welsh supporters will be descending on Wellington’s little Dragon Bar; once an old toilet block but now the only Welsh bar in the Southern Hemisphere, located in the central reservation of a busy City Centre, a sight to be seen (especially the notice above the door… ‘come in for a leek’ clever!).

The combination of hard work by Trudi Gatland and friend Basil Lennan has allowed for supporters sharing information via facebook.com/WRU supporters heading to RWC, which highlights the various events held for Welsh supporters throughout the tournament. Trudi and Basil continue to promote the welcome Hamilton is extending with local families playing host to supporters for both the Samoa and Fiji game, this is an excellent opportunity to build friendships with like minded rugby folk and there is still hosting available, email basil.lennan@bayleys.co.nz for details.

It is fair to say that combining the rich culture and passion for rugby here in New Zealand with the naturally welcoming nature of the kiwi people this is to be the best World Cup yet!

Until next week, your’s in rugby… excitement… anticipation and a little bit of hope!

Gem – The Taff with a Daff’

Gemma Hallett is a former Wales Women second row and will provide blogs throughout the World Cup.

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RWC Blog: Gemma Hallett