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Roberts graduates as a doctor

Roberts graduates as a doctor

Jamie Roberts swapped his rugby jersey for a cap and gown today as he graduates as a doctor from Cardiff University.

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Just two weeks after toasting the British & Irish Lions’ first Test series victory since 1997, the Wales ace had further reason to celebrate.

It brings an end to eight years of combining rugby with his medical studies and Roberts admits it has been a hugely challenging period.

“I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t been tough,” said Roberts.

“But achieving one of my main goals in life means it’s worth every second.

“I look forward to enjoying graduation with other fellow students.

“It promises to be a memorable day for us all, as it has been for all those graduating from Cardiff University this week.

“I’ve a huge amount to thank the university for, most notably the School of Medicine, and I’m eternally grateful for their help and support over the past eight years.

“I’m excited to see what the future holds, both in terms of my rugby and my medical career.”

Roberts follows in the footsteps of former Welsh greats Jack Matthews, JPR Williams and Gwyn Jones, who have combined careers in rugby and medicine.

And the Dean of the School of Medicine at Cardiff University has paid a glowing tribute to the tackle-busting centre.

“The academic rigour and intensity of studying for a medical degree is challenging for most students – especially for someone juggling with a life as a professional rugby player,” said Prof Paul Morgan.

“Jamie would be the first to admit it’s been extremely challenging but nevertheless it is clear from my conversations with him that it has been an enjoyable experience.

“I am very proud of his academic and sporting successes and pleased to have played a role.

“On behalf of everyone at the School of Medicine, I wish Jamie and all of our medical students the best of luck in their future medical careers.”

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Roberts graduates as a doctor
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Roberts graduates as a doctor
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Roberts graduates as a doctor
Roberts graduates as a doctor
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Roberts graduates as a doctor
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Roberts graduates as a doctor