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Ticket T & Cs

The Welsh Rugby Union Limited

(“WRU”, “we”, “us”, “our”, which also includes Millennium Stadium plc who may enforce the Ticket Terms and Conditions (as applicable))


February 2023.


The Ticket Terms and Conditions comprise:


(1) the Standard Ticket Terms and Conditions;

(2) the Ground Regulations (as defined below); and

(3) for Member Clubs only, the Ticket Application Conditions (as defined below).




By purchasing, applying for and/or being allocated or transferred a Ticket (as defined below), you are accepting and agreeing that you have read and understood each component part of the Ticket Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by, and to comply with, the Ticket Terms and Conditions (as applicable to you). You also confirm that anyone else that you apply, purchase, sell, transfer or allocate Ticket(s) for or to, has also read, and agreed to comply with, each component part of the Ticket Terms and Conditions.


The Ticket Terms and Conditions are subject to change or amendment by the WRU.  If you are not prepared to comply with the Ticket Terms and Conditions, you should not apply for, purchase, nor accept the allocation or transfer of, a Ticket.


Before purchasing, applying for and/or being allocated or transferred a Ticket and before attending the Event, you must familiarise yourself with and comply with the Ticket Terms and Conditions, the latest Government Rules, and the Ground Regulations (regardless as to when you purchased, applied for and/or were allocated or transferred your Ticket).


Defined Terms


The following terms in the Ticket Terms and Conditions have the following meanings:


Event any rugby match, sporting or other event held at the Stadium and all activity in or around the Stadium associated with the relevant rugby match, sporting or other event.


Government Rules means legislation enacted, and/or rules and guidance issued, by the UK Government and/or the Welsh Government (as applicable) from time to time.


Ground Regulations means the ground rules and regulations governing attendance at the Stadium as amended by the WRU from time to time and which are available outside the Stadium, accessible on our official website www.wru.wales and, as at the date of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, accessible at https://www.principalitystadium.wales/information/ground-rules/.


Member Club means a rugby club or other rugby organisation that is a member of the WRU and Member Clubs shall be construed accordingly.


Stadium means Principality Stadium, Westgate Street, Cardiff, Wales, including any outer concourse and all land surrounding Principality Stadium that is owned by us and/or otherwise occupied by us on the day of an Event.


Supporter Exchange means the official WRU ticket exchange platform available at  https://welshrugbyticketexchange.seatunique.com/.


Ticket means a ticket (whether in printed, electronic or mobile format) which provides the right to attend an Event.


Ticket Application Conditions means the ticket application conditions that apply to Member Clubs as amended by the WRU from time to time and which are accessible on our official website www.wru.wales and, as at the date of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, accessible at https://www.wru.wales/tickets/terms-and-conditions/member-club-application/.


Digital Ticketing


Where digital ticketing is utilised for an Event, every person attending the Event will be required to have their own digital ticket on their own device. The only exceptions to this are for accompanied minors (those under the age of 18 where proof of age may be required) and/or for those people with accessibility requirements attending the Event with a companion.


Standard Ticket Terms and Conditions


Transfer of Tickets

  1. A Ticket shall not be transferred, advertised or offered for sale, resold or supplied at above face value on the internet or elsewhere, save as permitted in these Standard Ticket Terms and Conditions or as authorised in writing by the WRU.


  1. A Ticket shall not be purchased or obtained through any person, agent, company or otherwise than directly from the WRU or its authorised agents or distributors or via the Supporter Exchange. Such authorised agents include Member Clubs (“Authorised Agents”). Such authorised distributors include Club Members, Schools, Debenture Holders, Referee Societies, WRU personnel, Visiting Unions, Official Licensed Operators, Genuine Sponsors and any other third party as may be authorised by the WRU from time to time (as listed on wru.wales and as updated from time to time by the WRU) (“Authorised Distributors”).


  1. Subject to the other conditions herein and save as otherwise authorised in writing by the WRU, a Ticket can only be offered for sale or transferred or resold (at face value or less) by the WRU, its Authorised Agents and Authorised Distributors to authorised recipients (as listed on wru.wales and as updated from time to time by the WRU) (“Authorised Recipients”).


  1. Subject to the other conditions herein, an Authorised Recipient who has been supplied with more than one Ticket may transfer or resell (at face value or less) to a guest accompanying them.


  1. A Ticket may not be used as a prize, or as part of a competition, or in any promotional or similar activity without the written consent of the WRU.


  1. A Ticket may not be included as part of a package, meaning the supply of a Ticket with additional benefit(s) including but not limited to retail items, accommodation, food, drink, hospitality services and/or travel, except as authorised in writing by the WRU.


  1. A Ticket may not be transferred, offered for sale, resold or supplied to or by:


  • a person, firm or company carrying on a ticketing or corporate hospitality business (other than an Official Licensed Operator appointed by the WRU);
  • anyone offering, or through a third party supplying, catering facilities on the date of an Event at the Stadium or elsewhere; or
  • an officer, agent, employee or licensee of any of the above

(each, a “Restricted Person”).

  1. Where a Ticket is purchased by a Member Club, the Member Club can transfer, offer for sale, resell or supply a Ticket (not above face value) to a company, firm or person who is not a Restricted Person and who is a genuine sponsor who has given financial support to the Member Club and is in receipt of other benefits from the Member Club not limited to the Ticket (“Genuine Sponsor”). A Genuine Sponsor may only transfer, offer for sale, resell or supply a Ticket at face value or less to a member of staff or guest upon these Standard Ticket Terms and Conditions.


  1. Ticket(s) may be sold and transferred via the Supporter Exchange in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Supporter Exchange, save where the Ticket(s) have been issued subject to a restriction that they may not be sold on the Supporter Exchange (for example, complimentary tickets issued to specific groups, such as players). Tickets may not be sold through any other secondary ticketing service, auction site, or website.


  1. The decision of the WRU shall be final and binding in the event of any dispute as to whether a company, firm or person is an Authorised Distributor, Authorised Recipient, Restricted Person or Genuine Sponsor.


  1. All recipients of Tickets must ensure that the Ticket Terms and Conditions are incorporated into all agreements (whether written or oral) to transfer, resell, allocate or supply Tickets and a recipient may only transfer, resell, allocate or supply Tickets in accordance with the Ticket Terms and Conditions and on the basis that the Ticket Terms and Conditions are accepted.


  1. Any Ticket advertised, supplied or obtained in breach of these Standard Ticket Terms and Conditions shall be void and all rights conferred therewith shall be nullified. Any recipient seeking to use a Ticket obtained in breach of these Standard Ticket Terms and Conditions in order to gain or provide access to or remain at the Stadium will be a trespasser and the recipient may be liable to be refused entry or evicted from the Stadium, may be liable to legal action, and will not be entitled to receive a refund or compensation.


  1. The WRU, its Authorised Agents and Authorised Distributors reserve the right to refuse to transfer, sell, allocate or supply Tickets in the future to any Authorised Agent, Authorised Distributor or Authorised Recipient, person, firm, agent or company found to be in breach of these Standard Ticket Terms and Conditions.


  1. The WRU reserves the right to take legal action against any recipient of Tickets which breaches any of the Ticket Terms and Conditions.


  1. Tickets (in whatever form) remain the property of the WRU at all times.


Lost or stolen Tickets


  1. Where a Ticket has been lost or stolen, the WRU should be notified immediately and shall, subject to the WRU Duplicate Ticket Policy which is available at wru.wales, issue a duplicate Ticket to the Ticket holder for a per Ticket administrative fee. If the WRU issues a duplicate Ticket, the original Ticket will become automatically invalid.


Admission and use of Tickets


  1. In order to gain admission to the Stadium, the Ticket must be presented in its entirety at the specified entrance.


  1. Admission to the Stadium is via by the entrance shown on the Ticket and is subject to any security or safety matters relating to (or affecting) the Stadium at all times. Without prejudice to the foregoing, it may not be possible for a Ticket holder to enter the Stadium if a Ticket Holder arrives at the entrance specified on their Ticket less than 75 minutes before the advertised commencement or kick off time for the relevant Event. The period specified in this paragraph 18 is provided as a guide only and is not intended by the WRU to be, or constitute, a guarantee of entry to the Stadium for any Ticket holder. The WRU reserves the right, without prior notice to revoke and/or vary the period specified in this paragraph 18 with immediate effect, if it is considered necessary (including on public safety grounds; and/or in response to changes to the national threat level).


  1. Any person who enters the Stadium including children must have a valid Ticket, excluding children under 24 months accompanied by an adult with a valid Ticket. Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult over the age of 18 and such adult is responsible for the actions and conduct of those persons.


  1. There is no right to re-admission if you leave the Stadium.


  1. Where a Ticket has been purchased as a concession Ticket, that Ticket may only be used in accordance with the relevant concession requirement(s). By way of example, a Ticket that is sold as an age concession Ticket, will only provide entry to the Event if used by someone who is within the relevant concession age for that Ticket.


  1. A Ticket holder has the right to occupy a seat of a value corresponding to that stated on the Ticket and the WRU reserves the right to provide an alternative seat to that specified on the Ticket.


  1. A Ticket holder must comply with the instructions of the WRU and/or its servants or agents while in the Stadium, otherwise may be required to leave and no money will be refunded or compensation provided.


Cancellation or postponement of an Event


  1. Once you have purchased a Ticket, you will not be entitled to cancel it without the agreement of the WRU and no refund will be payable by the WRU for any Event that you decide not to attend.


  1. The WRU does not guarantee that an Event will take place at any particular time or on any particular date. The WRU also reserves the right to cancel, postpone or reschedule its advertised Events to comply with the rules of any rugby union or other rugby body, Government Regulations, or where it otherwise needs to do so. We shall provide you with as much advance notice of any changes to an Event as possible on our website at wru.wales and via our social media channels.


  1. Where an Event is cancelled/abandoned and not rescheduled: If an Event is cancelled or abandoned before the date it is due to take place and is not rescheduled, and you have purchased your Ticket(s) for that Event directly from the WRU, you can apply to us for a refund within 30 days of the date on which the announcement is made by the WRU to Ticket holders that the Event is cancelled or abandoned. Providing that your request for a refund is received by the WRU within the timescales set out in this clause 25, we will refund the amount you have paid for your Ticket(s) (up to a maximum of the face value of the Ticket(s) to the debit/credit card you used to make the original Ticket(s) purchase. Subject to the debit/credit card being valid and in date and your request for a refund being received by the WRU within the timescales set out in this clause 25, we will provide any such refund within 30 days of the WRU’s receipt of your refund application.


  1. Where an Event is cancelled/abandoned and is rescheduled for another date: If an Event is abandoned before the date it is due to take place, and the WRU reschedules the Event or the date of an Event is changed after you have purchased Ticket(s) for it, and you have purchased your Ticket(s) for that Event directly from the WRU, the Ticket(s) for the original date of the Event will be valid for the rescheduled date of Event. If you are unable to attend the rescheduled date of the Event, you should contact us by sending an email to customercare@wru.wales as soon as possible and by no later than 30 days following the announcement of the rescheduled date of the Event in order to request a refund. Providing that your request for a refund is received by the WRU within the timescales set out in this clause 26, we will cancel your Ticket(s) and refund the amount you have paid for your Ticket(s) (up to a maximum of the face value of the Ticket(s)) to the debit/credit card you used to make the original Ticket purchase. Subject to the debit/credit card being valid and in date and your request for a refund being received by the WRU within the timescales set out in this clause 26, we will provide any such refund within 30 days of the WRU’s receipt of your refund application.


  1. All personal arrangements, including but not limited to, travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to the Event which have been arranged by the Ticket holder and all related costs are at their own risk. If you are entitled to a refund of a Ticket under these Terms and Conditions, you will be entitled to receive an amount up to a maximum amount of the face value of that Ticket. The WRU shall not be responsible for, or liable to refund, reimburse or otherwise compensate you for any such personal arrangement costs or for any administration, booking, fulfilment or other fees that you paid in respect of the respective Ticket(s).


  1. Where you have purchased, applied for and/or been allocated or transferred your Ticket(s) from an Authorised Agent or Authorised Distributor, you should contact that Authorised Agent or Authorised Distributor in all cases, including in respect of a refund and/or other compensation in respect of any cancelled, postponed or rescheduled Event. Where you have purchased, applied for and/or been allocated or transferred your Ticket(s) via the Supporter Exchange, the terms and conditions of the Supporter Exchange shall apply.


  1. If a Ticket is cancelled due to a breach of the Ticket Terms and Conditions by you or a guest and/or admission is reasonably refused for whatever reason no money will be refunded or compensation provided.




  1. Tickets are issued subject to, and compliance with, the Ground Regulations.


  1. The WRU, the police, its servants or agents shall be entitled to refuse admission or eject a ticket holder in reasonable circumstances.


  1. The WRU will comply with any Government Regulations in place from time to time. You agree to abide by such Government Regulations and any safety precautions and health and safety protocols that we adopt at the Stadium for a particular Event, subject to any applicable exemption you have under the Government Rules, or as otherwise determined by the WRU. Wherever possible, we shall provide you with advance notice of the safety precautions and health and safety protocols at a particular Event on our website at wru.wales. Subject to any applicable exemption under the Government Rules, or as otherwise determined by the WRU, failure to comply with any safety precautions and/or health and safety protocols adopted at the Stadium for a particular Event may result in you being denied entry to the Stadium or being required to leave the Stadium. We retain the right to refuse entry to the Stadium to any person that refuses to comply with such safety precautions and/or our health and safety protocols. If you are denied entry or required to leave the Stadium as a result, you shall not be entitled to a refund and/or any other compensation. The WRU, or its representatives, may ask you for evidence of any exemption and it will be for the WRU, or representative, to determine whether the supporting information provided is sufficient to validate the exemption relied on.


Liability and disputes


  1. Any complaints about a Ticket holder’s ability to view the Event shall be made to a steward promptly prior to, or during the Event. No such complaints can be accepted after the Event.


  1. The WRU excludes any liability for loss, injury or damage to persons/property in or around the Stadium except in respect of death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or any other liability which cannot be excluded under applicable law.


  1. Tickets are provided for your own personal use and the WRU shall have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity.


  1. If the WRU fails to comply with these Ticket Terms and Conditions, the WRU is only responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of the WRU’s breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, but the WRU is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of the WRU’s breach or if it was contemplated by you and the WRU at the time that you and the WRU entered into a contract pursuant to these Ticket Terms and Conditions.


  1. If you are not a consumer our total liability in respect of our breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions and/or your use of a Ticket, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, shall not in any event exceed the amount paid by you to us for the Ticket.


  1. The WRU shall not be responsible for any interrupted and/or restricted view of the Event caused by virtue of the position of the seat, and/or the action of other spectators, players or officials.


  1. These Ticket Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales and any dispute relating to them will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Partners and Suppliers

Principal Partners
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Official Broadcast Partners
BBC Cymru/Wales
Official Partners
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Official Suppliers
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Rhino Rugby
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Princes Gate
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Total Energies
Seat Unique
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Castell Howell
Glamorgan Brewing
Hawes & Curtis
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