The Welsh Rugby Union is the sponsor of the Team Leader category in this year’s Leading Wales Awards to help recognise the leadership that is shown at all levels of rugby in Wales, from the administration and organisation of clubs, to coaching skills and team management.

The WRU encourages club members and supporters to nominate those volunteers within their club who show leadership skills in running teams, administering affairs and generally driving their club forward.

WRU National Development Manager Jason Lewis said: “Leadership doesn’t just occur at the top of the game, there is an army of volunteers in Welsh club rugby who are displaying outstanding leadership qualities. The concern is that these qualities are not recognised and I think we’ve got a job to do to show that these people are leaders in their own right. These awards are a great opportunity to do that, both in sport and business.”

Lewis was speaking at the north Wales launch of the awards, and highlighted the lessons that can be learnt from sport, and rugby in particular for business in general.

He used modern rugby coaching as an example of good leadership. “To be successful, a coach must harness the potential of all individual team members and ensure that the player occupies a central role in the team. How many businesses adopt such an employee centred approach? Sport understands that success starts and ends with the development of the individual.”

Teenage Wales wing George North also attended the launch. He said, “Good leaders inspire people, especially children. When I first started playing rugby at Llangefni, I was coached by a pair of coaches called Martin and Iori who just instilled a great love of the game come rain or shine which is what every player needs to experience.

“I was also inspired by development officer Dafydd Myrddin who showed faith in me by driving me some distance to training on a weekly basis so that I could better myself. Having been coached by good leaders and people who believe in you, I now have the belief in myself that is needed in order to do well on the pitch.”

The Leading Wales Awards 2011 is a national forum that recognises and celebrates the impact of leadership at all levels of society across Wales. Now in its seventh year there are eight categories to choose from:

* Public Sector
* Private Sector
* Voluntary / Not for Profit
* Social Enterprise
* Young Leader
* Team Leader
* Leadership in Social Responsibility
* Leadership of the Future

Nominations are open until 4th March. It doesn’t take long to complete the nomination form and you will be helping to highlight the good work and real impact that leaders in Wales are having. Rugby club leaders are not limited to the Team Leader award, check out the awards website ( ) for more details on each award and for the relevant nomination form.