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Watch Wales play Samoa for free

Watch Wales play Samoa for free

Were you born on 26 June, 1999, or on 1 October, 1999? If so, your birthday falls on one of the most momentous days in Welsh rugby history.

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More than that, if you were born 10 years ago on the day that Wales first beat the Springboks (26 June) or when Wales met Argentina in the opening game of the 1999 Rugby World Cup (1 October), you qualify for a free Family Ticket for the Invesco Perpetual Series ’09 clash with Samoa on Friday, 13 November.

As part of its celebrations to mark a decade of sport at the Millennium Stadium, the WRU is offering a free, four-person, family ticket to any child born on either of these two landmark occasions.

To claim the free family ticket for Wales v Samoa the relevant child must have been born on either 26 June or 1 October, 1999.

Families should send a photocopy of the relevant child’s birth certificate by email on: garethd@wru.co.uk  or by post to Gareth Davies, WRU Ticketing, Millennium Stadium, Westgate Street, Cardiff CF10 1NS or fax: 02920 822474.

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Watch Wales play Samoa for free
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Watch Wales play Samoa for free
Watch Wales play Samoa for free
Watch Wales play Samoa for free
Watch Wales play Samoa for free
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Watch Wales play Samoa for free
Rhino Rugby
Watch Wales play Samoa for free
Watch Wales play Samoa for free
Princes Gate
Watch Wales play Samoa for free
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Watch Wales play Samoa for free
Castell Howell
Glamorgan Brewing
Ted Hopkins
Hawes & Curtis
Watch Wales play Samoa for free